The Writing Process Redefined – 5 Steps to Make Your Book a Smashing Success

The Writing Process Redefined – 5 Steps to Make Your Book a Smashing Success

You are probably familiar with the Writing Process. You’ve likely been using it since elementary school. Maybe you even had one of those clip charts where you moved your clothespin up or down through the process: prewrite, draft, revise, edit, publish. (What can I say? Once a teacher, always a teacher.) Well, this post is…

What’s Wrong with Perfect Attendance Anyway? Turns Out, a Lot!

What’s Wrong with Perfect Attendance Anyway? Turns Out, a Lot!

My daughter was sitting in the kitchen after school watching a replay of the daily announcements. They post them on the school’s webpage, and sometimes they are very entertaining. Although not always in a good way. I was prepping dinner, so I was only half listening, but I heard something about a new attendance initiative….