Tiny Writing Can Yield Big Results

Get the inside scoop about how a little bit of writing can make your a better writer
Hello! And thanks for joining me on this journey of self-discovery. And personal development. Hopefully, we’ll also find some clarity, confidence, and creativity along the way.
Wait a minute, you might be thinking. I thought this post was about writing.
Don’t worry. It is. I didn’t try to trick you with clickbait.
All month long I’m going to be writing about writing. But not just any writing. I’m going to be writing about my unique method of Tiny Writing.
Introducing Tiny Writing
Not familiar with Tiny Writing? I don’t expect you would be. At least not yet.
Because up until now I haven’t shared it with anybody.
But by the end of October, I hope you know exactly what Tiny Writing is and how it can help you achieve your goals.
Whoa! That’s a big promise.
Don’t get ahead of yourself. Notice I didn’t say you would achieve your goals in just one month. Only that you will see how Tiny Writing might help you do so.
Words are powerful things. Make sure your words say what you mean. That’s one of the lessons we’ll get to later in the month.
Tiny Writing is not for you if . . .
Before we go any further, I should say this blog series is probably not for everybody.
- If you hate to write, you’re not going to like it here.
- If you love to write but aren’t keen on learning new things, it’s probably not for you either.
- If you are a writer and you already know everything you need to know about writing, you’re not a good fit.
- If you want to be a writer, but don’t have time right now to devote 20 minutes a day to writing, you won’t get much out of Tiny Writing.
And if you don’t seek clarity, personal growth, or a deeper understanding of yourself or the world around you, then you might not like Tiny Writing either.
Because writing is hard work. Even Tiny Writing.
How Tiny Writing can help you
But, if you are a writer or want to be a writer. And you aren’t afraid to learn new things. And you are willing to write for 20 minutes a day. And you think you could be a better human (defined however you want to define it). Then you should stick around.
Over the course of the next month, I’m going to explain the process of Tiny Writing. The nuts and bolts of how it works and why I created it. I’ll provide tips and tricks to get you started.
And explain how I used it to launch my writing career.
I’m also going to show you the practical steps you can take to help build and maintain a consistent writing habit.
We’ll talk about all the things you can learn from writing and why writing is a great way to process the world.
I’ll also provide some writing prompts to get you started. And, before the month is out you’ll start seeing writing prompts all around you. It’s really fun when that happens.
We’ll work on noticing things, finding inspiration, generating ideas, and keeping track of all those ideas.
Finally, we’ll explore how we can use story to make sense of an ever-changing world.
And of course, we will write. But not a lot. Just a little. Just a tiny bit.
But, make no mistake . . . Tiny Writing can bring big results.
A little bit about me
Before we go any further, you may be wondering who I am and why I’m qualified to do this.
I’m glad you asked.
If you’re not wondering that, please feel free to skip this next part. Generally, I’m not a fan of blind trust – I blame law school for turning me into a cynic. But sometimes reading about other people’s lives is like yada, yada, yada. I get it. You don’t care about me. I won’t be offended if you skip ahead.
On the other hand, some of you might be skeptical and are wondering why you should stick around. I would definitely be in that camp. Maybe my bio will convince you.
And, sometimes, it’s just fascinating to learn about other people’s career paths. Especially if you are considering a big transition yourself. I work with a lot of writers who are feeling disillusioned with the current careers and looking for a way out. But when you are stuck in the trenches it’s not always easy to see other options.
I’m Lisa. A former attorney who has written a ton of stories. (That’s all that litigation is. Telling compelling stories designed to persuade decision-makers that your client is right).
A former college professor and administrator who has written a catalog of curriculum, as exciting as trial theories are . . . Although come to think of it I wrote a lot of mock trial scenarios too, but I learned about many different types of writing and got lots of practice honing my skills.
A teacher who has written a ton of everything, including short stories, poems, dramas, and simulations. Although to be fair, most of the time I only shared them with third graders. Who, trust me, are a much kinder crowd than sixth graders. Or grown-ups.
The expert in anything was one the beginner.
Helen Hayes
Although I am not in the classroom anymore, at least not my own classroom, I firmly believe that teachers are teachers for life.
Today I work as a writer for an education company by day. And as a freelance writer and book coach by night. I write about education, parenting, and productivity.
I’m also an aspiring author. My wip (that’s work in progress for those of you new to the industry) is a YA thriller.
Don’t worry about what you don’t know. “The expert at anything was once the beginner.” Helen Hayes.
Seriously that’s why we are here. To learn and grow together. I have tons to learn.
I am also a serial careerist. I’ve had to reinvent myself a number of times over the years. This has required a lot of soul-searching and deep reflection. Tiny writing has helped me through this process.
And if you stick with me for the next month, it can help you too.
P.S. If I haven’t bored you to tears already and you want to learn more, check our my About page.
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