My Word of the Year for 2022 . . .

Do you pick a “word of the year”?
For the last several years I have been participating in this new year ritual. I’m not one for resolutions or new diets or reinventing myself each January. I think that most of the time fundamental change isn’t necessary. And when it is, rarely is the new year the right time to embark on that change.
Setting Goals for the New Year
But I do like to set goals. I ask myself questions like:
- What do I want to accomplish this year?
- What do I need to do to make that happen?
- What do I need to learn?
- What would make it easier to accomplish these goals?
- Are these goals compatible?
- Which goals are most important?
Choosing a Word of the Year
Then I try and settle on one word to guide me through the year. In the past I have selected Write, Organize, Strong, Just Breathe, and Courage as my word of the year.
I first heard about the dea of choosing a word of the year through Gretchen Ruben and the Happier podcast. My source for so many self-reflective and inspiratinal practcies. Gretchen writes about happiness and good habits and if you want to learn more about yourself you should definiteily check our her podcast.
For the first year or two I was fascinated by the idea, but not brave enough to select one of my own. Insert eye roll here. I just felt too much pressure to find the perfect word.
Why you need a Word of the Year
The purpse behind a word of the year is to help make decisions easier. When you select one word to guide you through the year it’s easier to keep your goals in mind. A word of the year is esier than resolutions, and a whole lot more fun. No likes a long list of “rules” to folliow.
But it can help keep you motivated all year long. And it helps bring intention to your actions.
If this is the year you finally want to start that blog or publish a story or write that book, picking a word to keep that purpose in mind can help you achieve your goal. Maybe you are ready to invest in yourself and you want to work with a coach. Or maybe you it’s time to look for an agent. These are big steps that can seem daunting to many, but the right word can help making the leap easier.
Your word of the year is like a value that you live by. And in a busy, chaotic word, taking a few minutes to define that value up front can make sticking with it much easier throughout the year.
How to use your Word of the Year
The purpose of your word is to help guide your decision making during the year. Does this choice support my word.
But it’s fun to incporate your word into your daily life. Of course, you should be trying to live by your word. But why not also put it on your planner or write it on your calendar. Or even make it your homescreen. This will be a regular reminder to focus on your word.
You can try creating an affirmation that includes your word of the year. Write it on your mirror or post it on your fridge (if you can handle fridge clutter).
Maybe you want to weear your word. You might be able to find a necklace, bracelet, or ring with your word imprinted, Or have it put on a t-shirt or a pair of socks.
You can also celebrate your word of the year with art. Purchase artwork featuring your word. Or you can create your own word cloud for free at If you’re into music, try finding songs with your word in the title or key lyrics.
There are tons of fun ways to keep your word of the year at the forefront of your mind all year long.
My Word of the Year
For 2022 I have selected the word FOCUS as my word of the year.
I suffer from shiny object syndrome. I want to learn all the things, try all the projects, experiment and explore. I am naturally curious and this is a great way of approaching life in general.
But it can make it kind of tought to accomplish my goals.
So this year I am going to work on focus.
- I am going to focus on my top five goals.
- I am going to focus on one thing at a time.
- I am going to focus on my family.
- I am going to focus on the present moment.
- I am going to focus on what I am thinking and feeling. I
- am going to focus on what I really want and what I really need.
I think this particluar word of the year will help me be calm, intentional, mndful, and productive. At least I hope so.
How about you? What word are you going to select as your word of the year? Let me know in the comments.
Happy Writing!