Hi, I’m Lisa!
And I love words . . .
Reading words. Writing words. Contemplating words. Speaking words (sometimes a little too much). Choosing just the right word for the occasion. I especially love arranging words into stories. Stories that make you think and feel, and maybe even learn a little too. And, as a book coach, I love encouraging other writers to play with words.
As a former lawyer, educator, and mom of 3, I know the right words can change lives. So today I rely on words to make a living. As a content and copywriter I use words to help my clients achieve their dreams.
And I use words myself as writer and book coach. I love coaching aspiring authors to help them find their words and get them out into the world
My first YA novel, The Kickline, is currently with the editor. I’m so excited! It won’t be long now . . .
While you’re waiting, feel free to browse my site. Check out my Short Stories. Meet the Kickline. Take a peek at my Coaching Packages.
We are a people of oral traditions, telling our stories to seek connection, and the fire has always been our story-telling place. The spellbinding nature of fire elicits from us tales of magic, of darkness, of the macabre. Check out this incredible anthology and read my ghost story Lady of Darkness.
Meet the Kickline
My current #wip (that’s work in progress for those of you not in the ‘biz) is called The Kickline. It’s a murder mystery about a crazed killer knocking off members of a high school dance team one by one. Let me introduce the girls on the Line to you. But you might not want to get too attached.
Read the Blog
Ahhh – the blog. I’ve been a writer for a long time. I’ve even had a blog before. But writing about writing is a whole new world for me. Look for posts about books, how a book coach can help you, my wips, craft, productivity, and my musings on life in general (which often include thoughts on parenting teens).
Do you like FRee Stuff?
Read my brand new short story, Unavailable, for FREE! Sign up today!

If you Love Words as Much As I Do But You Struggle to get them onto the page . . .
I can help. See what a book coach can do for you . . .
Thanks so much for stopping by!
I’ve always wanted to be a writer. I always knew I would be a writer. I just took the scenic route to get here.
But that’s okay. All those detours, pit stops, and wrong turns have introduced me to so many characters and plot twists. And taught me the power of resiliency. And made me a better book coach.
My life today is nothing like I thought it would be. But I think that’s true of most people. I’ve suffered tremendous loss and experienced profound joy. I’ve changed careers more times than I can count. I’ve made mistakes and started over. The key is learning to go with the flow (not easy for a Type A perfectionist), while never giving up on your dreams.